Get your own Digital Clock

Sunday, December 25, 2011

i love you for a thousand years. :)


Heartbeats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I’m afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What’s standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more

[ Lyrics from ]
And all along I believed that I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more

this song is really sweet.

a'ai zairi

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What celebrity do you look like?


love and relationship. :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Do you have an imaginary friend?

i used to. two of them. hehe

love and relationship. :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

ada plaster ntok hati x?

utk hati xdek. bentuk hati ade. :)

love and relationship. :)

Do you like roller-coasters?

err.......... accordingly

love and relationship. :)

takot kilat?

sometimes~ >_<

love and relationship. :)

"stress" camna anda atasi?

tidor. mkn. lari

love and relationship. :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What made you smile today?

response member kpd link blog yg aku kasi. XD

blog bdak xtau eja n gedik2x.
cth: iteww tayunkk bieee.

he said sial
i said. awesome.


love and relationship. :)

Do you believe in aliens?

not really. haha

love and relationship. :)

Ask me questions about ELTM :)

love and relationship. :)

love and relationship. :)

love and relationship. :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What word best describes your personality?


Ask me anything

What is your favorite breakfast food?

nasi lemak!! ^_^

Ask me anything

Who was the best teacher you've ever had?

pn mazni. english teacher at convent BM

Ask me anything

Would you rather have the ability to fly, or the ability to breathe underwater?

id fly~ :)

Ask me anything

What's your favorite movie quote?

walaupun kita berlainan, adakah kau masih mahukan aku.?
-maya karin, hati malaya

Ask me anything

Thursday, November 3, 2011

budak merah. :)


comel tak.?
comel tak.?


nti akn tulis post yg lebih proper.


a'ai zairi

Thursday, October 27, 2011



mummy belanja satu tub yg besar utk birthday.
sgt suka!

apakah TUTTI FRUITI sebenarnya.?

please click here

basically, it is a frozen yougurt cahin store.

how to get a good froyo?
step 1: get a cup size
step 2: choose flavor
step 3: add toppings
step 4: weigh!

you pay based on the grams that you have in your cup!
hehe. stkt ni yg paling mahal i dpt is RM20.18.
but utk students luar sana~!
you bring your student card n you get 10% free!
hoyeah! 10% discount!
for ladies,
every tuesday is LADIES DAY so you get 15% off!
plan your day yeah?!

haih bila la lgi nak mkn.
kat Bangi ad yg dekat.
kat KB ad yg dekat.

setakat ni i slalu lupa nk tngkap gambar my tutti fruiti cup.


Monday, October 24, 2011

20th birthday~

nothing happen.


A'ai Zairi

Saturday, October 15, 2011

heart? u ok.?


ok. tu je.


Monday, October 10, 2011

What is or was your best subject in school?

English. haha

Ask me anything

sick as awsome sick~ and didn't u said reading minds wud result in hypocrite?

nope. not yet. haha.
yih? was it me.?

Ask me anything

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ask me questions about love. :)

What made you smile today?

updating my blog

Ask me anything

sickest person u've ever met?

sick as in sick?(sakit) or sick as in AWESOME SICKKKK~?

Ask me anything

is there anything that u wished u could do?

read minds.

Ask me anything


apekah definisi suka.? sayang.? dan CINTA.?
aku xtau la. aku ni jenis yang senang suka kat orang asenye. tapi org yg sye suka bkn calang-calang okehhh. musicians, engineers, great teachers, ustaz (future and already, heheh) martial artists. yes. bkn calang-calang org okeh.

currently aku tgh suka kpd sesorg ni. but yelah. dia jenis yang friendly and flimsy around people. ntah la. i duno sbnrnya siapa dia pd aku dan sape aku pd dia. aku sedar aku siapa. huhu. dak TESL yg bising je. and i still cant get over the fact that i thnk im still in love with the first guy that i laid my eyes on. mcm loserific kan.? huhu. he xprnah kata pape kat me n i pun xpnh kata pape kat dia. hints are always given tpi nope. no response. agak kecewa di situ but yelah. siaplah aku. (ayat sedih siot)

-forever alone guy-

honestly, aku xnk jadi forever alone gurl. huhu. aku gembira single but yelah. kdg2x tu nak ugak ad org tnye, 'you okay hrini?' mcm si dia slalu buat. kdg2x aku rimas sb my sis slalu bt gitu mse kecik2x. but biala xd spe tnye feeling mcm alone tu mmg ad. huhu. dahla kat sini aku agak lone ranger. dont get me wrong. my friends ramai tpi..... ntah la. sometimes, wavelength ktrg xsama. unlike me n am. <3

kami sepasang. sarang hae am! rinduu kau sgt1 huhu. :(

Amal and Ain
(double A battery)

sbnrnya. a'ai cuma nk tulis short entry je kali ni. haha. just for the sake of updating. haha. tpi tepanjang la plak. oops~ pelik? yeah, i know.

thank you for reading this ridiculous and attention seeking post.
kau tau x aku sayang kau sbnrnya.?
A'ai Zairi

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wordless Wednesday #1

Project Manager

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

kak ain, kak ain.. kak ain syg syasya x? kih3

sayaaaanggg!!!! sayannnggggg sssggggttttt~~~~~ hahahahah

Ask me anything

Saturday, September 17, 2011

apa maksud "gedik" mengikutkn pandangan anda?

gedik ni byk mksd. hurm. terkinja2x dan bermanja2x di tempat yg xseuai. high pitched voice. etc. hurm.

Ask me anything

da ade pkwe?

wau. soklan cepumas. no, xde tpi xmncari pun. terasa nk idup single skg ni. hurm.

Ask me anything

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Happy Eid Mubarak~

yes. sorry.
its been a while.

i just wanna say


From my fingers,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Actually, camna nak guna formspring nih ek? Aku main redah jer sebenarnya nih

redah je. asal xexciden.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Darah marabahaya.

*masuk lagu Marabahaya-pop shuvit*

haha, terkedu? salam sume. ye, me tau. dah lama xupdate blog. haha. tapi mlm ni terasa mcm nak update lak (mungkin atas sebab tgk blog org yg slalu update jadi jeles lak) haha. *ngada-ngada* anyway, kali ini nak crite pasal PROGRAM DERMA DARAH. jeng3x~

okey. kali ni BIG utk pelajar semester 2 ialah program menderma darah. program ini di anjurkan oleh ahli MKK semester 1. SEMUA PELAJAR, diulangi SEMUA PELAJAR wajib untuk menderma darah kalu idak. ZERO marks ah. kecuali yang tidak boleh menderma atas sebab-sebab yang tertentu ah. hurm. okey. pada aku program ini quite interesting ah, sb bukan slalu dapat derma darah dgn senang tanpa pergi bank darah. orang bank darah tu yang datang ke kita. hah. spesel kan? hehe. (terasa je spesel. padahal x pun)

anyway, program ni ialah pada 5hrbln julai 2011, selasa. last week ah kiranya. ok. tujuan sebanar aku berblog mlm ni ialah untuk memberitahu dunia yang aku xleh menderma darah selama-lamanya. full stop.

huhu. sedeyh tau. :(
bagi sesiapa yg nmpk aku haritu, ternyata, mmg obvious yg aku sedih. :'( ramai kata aku overreacting. xmatured. masalah. etc-etc. tapi pada aku menderma darah adalah satu experience dimana aku nak cuba at least skali seumor hidup. ak nak memberi something yang aku ada kpd org yg lebih memerlukan. darah ialah sesuatu yang simple je tapi satu bag darah tu boleh menyelamatkan nyawa orang. bila Dr. tu ckp yang aku selama-lamanya TIDAK BOLEH menderma darah, jiwa dan perasaan aku hancur luluh. i was devastated. like a nuclear bomb just exploded in my world. :(

knw why..?? because i lived in UK for a year (from 1992-1993) with my family. for those who have seen the questionnaire that blood donors have to answer and sign refer to number 15. it stated, 'adakah anda pernah tinggal di nagara-negara Europa (UK, England.....~) dari tahun 1980 hingga tahun 1999? so, me being honest, i answered yes. so the doc said, since i lived there during the mad cow disease plaque, shes scared if my blood has been infected with it. maybe its not seen now, but maybe when my blood reacts with another blood (coincidentally is the same case as mine) the person might get infected. *that ws how i understood it* huhu.

WAA.. SEDEYH! people keep sayin, alah a'ai, derma darah je pon. tu pun nak kecoh. KORANG TAK PAHAM! ni memang sesuatu yang aku nak buat dari dulu lagi, bila ada peluang nak buat, aku nak cuba la.! at least skali! pastu mereka berkata, alah. aku xleh derma gak. xdek nak kecoh. weh, kau lain. aku lain. kau hari ni je xleh. hari lain??? aku ni SELAMA-LAMANYA! ada paham?

yea. aku memang pelik. xyah nak cuba paham. aku xpaksa pun. sekian. salam


From my fingers,

Friday, July 1, 2011

gila kuasa.

*i am Different*

hosheh. salam sume~ :) kali ini dalam entry yg mungkin pendek ini sya ingin membincangkan atas kerajinan atau kegilaan kuasa saya. sejak akhir-skhir ni aku terasa yang alu terlibat dengan banyak persatuan yg terdapat dalam IPG KPI yg agak kicik ini. tau nape? daripada 5 hari kuliah, ak ade 3-4 meeting. aku sendri xhengat brape. huhu. pelik tol aku. pastu dlm satu2x tu aku ad jawatan lak tuh. tak kire ar. jawatan penting atau idak, yang pasti jawatan aku tu ad kerja. huh. stkt ni, aku still leh keep up ngn sume. tapi takut gak kalu aku tertinggal keje ke hape ke. aku ni klu berkerja ngn orang aku suka give my best. xmau kasi org kecewa. aku tau aku bukan hebat. aku juga tahu bahwa aku sendri ni bukan rajin mana. bila ad keje aku akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk membuatnya sebaik mungkin. sehinggakan utk please org tu aku akn mengbaikan kerja aku sendri. seperti homework or kekadang kerja kursus. hurm . teruk kah aku ni?

pastu bila meeting en. aku ni jenis xleh senyap. ada je pandangan or comment yg sedap je melayang dari mulut aku yg kiut ni. (kiut ke? mulut minta pelempang ad la) aku je yg tnya soalan. aku je yg kasi cadangan. walopun agak vavavoom sket idea aku. out of the box. mmg lain lar dr standard org sini. bkn aku nk kata org sini kolot. oh noes.~ tapi kekadang idea mereka sanagt safe and cliche'. yela, dah nama IPG KPI. kenalah keep up to name kan? xleh hawk sgt. nanti pape lak org kata. tapi ayat kak hanan masa Helwi tapi syiok. 'kita raikan sume'. so mknanya patutnye xdek diskriminasi yang patut dijalankan disini. okeh2x. chop. lari tajuk lak.

kembali ke tajuk, aku ni gila kuasa ke? SILA BERIKAN KOMEN ANDA DI BAWAH. hurm.
aku takut orng anggap aku begitu. tapi sbnrnya aku bukan, aku just enjoy masuk dalam persatuan. i sometimes want to feel belonged. the sense of belonging tu nak ada sometimes. pastu klu dlm meeting or ape2x je in class or in group. aku tetap akn bagi pendapat. either stuju atau tak stuju. pros and cons. aku bkn nk kritik pape2x. just nk bagi org sedar apa yg org lain pikir. the world doesnt revolve around one person. maybe kita suka benda ni tapi org lain xsuka. ya btol. we cant please evryone but oyelah. we try our best.

ugh. still xdpt decide. aku ni gila kuasa ke? waa.. :( hopefully not.

From my fingers,

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

belated posts?

pergh! lama gila xupdate blog! berdebu doh! haha. punya la banyak event yg interesting yang berlaku pada ku. ahaha. aku siap masuk TV tu~ haha. (iyela tuh. padahal prelims pun xlopeh) hailah. okey~ disini sementara duk melalut kat klas, bosan-bosan baik aku menulis di blog yang sekian lama terbiar ni. sah lama cite yg aku leh tulis. mungkin ikut urutan waktu agy! muahaha. oke2x. jom kite check it out~

1st event: BIG semester 1
haaa... ni lah event yg terbaik yang berlaku pada semester lepas pada aku (dan rakan-rakan yang lain) tau nape? BIG ni Bina Insan Guru dimana kitaorg (2kelas, 1.10 and 1.12, dak PJ) hendaklah bergerak ke Port Dickson untuk bercamping~ muahaha. memang syiok la. ktrg dak Tesl, 19 org and dak PJ lak 19 org. best wor~ camping ni 4 hari FULL kat PD. haha. ktrg kn hiking n kayak. hiking aku shuke, kayak aku lemah sket sb kn guna tgn kan? so, aku seyes prefer naik bukit. tapi masa main kayak tu sempat la ugak main-main air laut yg seyes lama berkenan nak main macam budak-budak kecik yang xpernah jumpa air laut. haha.! hosheh. aku menjadi seperti budak-budak pada hari yang main air tu. tapi dlm main-main tu, kena la control ayu ugak~ main tu main, saham kena jaga! (pergh, masalah tol aku nih) hah! stu lg benda intresting berlaku. disini, aku telah terdigosipkan ngan sorang budak yang bernama AA. (gila kau nk bgtau nama betul, maunya dia cari aku pasni!) okeh, spe dak kls aku baca ni tau la spe en. utk korung2x yg xtau kenalilah beliau ngn AA je ye. haha. aku ngn dia ni, sikit-sikit dpt group sama. group kecik sama ngn dia, kayak pun pairing ngn dia. siap buat pantun, terkena lak pantun aku ngn nama dia. aaarrhgghh! kesian dia lagi ar, sbb aku tau dia ad aweks~ aku xpe ar. single mingle agy. (walopun begitu, aku agak xsuka ngn gosip itu) hurm, nasib la skg ni. gossip tu dah kurang. sbb aku ase dia dah makin seyes ngn awek dia sehinggakan dak kelas dia xbrani nak kaco da. fuh~ slamat. :D ouh, aku dapat umi baru yg bernama Pn. Safuah. hehe. ku shuke dia. ntah nape, bibir aku ni ringan je panggil dia umi. padahal suem org panggil dia Puan. sb dia ingtkn aku kat Mama aku kot? hurm. misteri. ke sbb ak memerlukan kasih sayang masa tu? ntah la. tapi yg pasti aku dapat Umi la. haha. smpai ke skg aku panggil dia Umi. Nasib dia xkesah~ :D:D ha. mesti korang bosan mmbaca je kn? jom tgk gmbo~

*ni lepas pacak khemah*
*group Photo. cecari aku*
*kumpulan anak katak. mamat baju oyen ni la yg digosipkan ngn aku*
*experience yg terbaik punya. solat ats pasir*

okeh. event seterusnya~!
2. Study week and Exams~
hah! ni hah. antara week yg stress sementara duk kat IPG ni utk sem 1. ni la first exam ktrg yg memerlukan ktrg mnjawab 6 paper. ye kawan-kawan ENAM (6) paper!!! and two of them are in BM. bkn nk kata aku bengap BM la en, coz klu gitu, aku bknla 'Melayu'. tapi aku anti sket paper menulis dalam BM ni. sb aku tahu. aku haprak sket bab BM ni coz ak belajar melalui percakapan so tatabahasa jadi tunggang langgang. n my brain pun dari dlu di train utk pikir in english. skg ni je, otak aku dah mula berfikir melayu. (which is bad for my english) @_@ sume org nervous coz first semester paper ni la important sbb kn ad tapak yg bagus untuk pointer. klu pointer rendah, susah la nak up pasni. huhu. aku ni plak, bkn nye budak yg kuat study so biasala study last minit. huhu. stress ar gak sbb ad dak kls buat study group tapi xajak aku. sedey.~ :( tapi akhirnya aku membuat muka tak malu dan mengajak budak-budak yg sama utk study bersama sbb aku kalau bab study ni, kn ad member klu idak, aku berbrainstorming ngan bantal la jawab nye. dlm paper pun mnjawab, ZZZzzzZZZ.. ohh~ NOooes~ haha. hurm. setelah bertarung ngn paper-paper yang killer, sem ni pun aku dapat pointer yang......~ ntahla, aku alhamdulillah dpt pointer tu, sb LULUS. tapi sangat rendah daripada expectation aku. huhu. sedey. baru nak mintak cammy SLR dr mama. xdpt ugak akhirnya. huh. :/ sem ni kn UP study! hohseeeyyhhh!!!!!

hoohohoho... inilah antara benda yg best yg terjadi pada aku masa cuti. walopun dia mengambil 5 hari dari cuti sem aku tapi aku xkesah. sb aku ase benda ni sgt membantu aku memahami negara aku sendiri. sistem pentadbiranya, sistem politiknya, peranan orang kita. dan lain-lain la. ye aku admit, adalah brainwashing sket benda ni but, think positive. kita sume dah besar, ambil yg jernih, buang yg keruh la. pepandai la pilih yg mana yg kau ase betul. disbbkn aku xpergi dgn sem aku last year sb aku sanggup berkorban demi abgku yg tersayang. huh. aku terpaksa pergi dengan budak junior bawah aku. masa aku tau tahu ak kn pegi BTN ngn diorg aku dah bersedia mental ngn fizikal sb aku tahu, akulah antara yg tua disitu dan mungkin akn menrangkul jawatan besar. a.k.a PENGHULUWATI. dahla yg pergi skali ngn aku tu dak TESL. apatah lagi la, diorg sume knl aku n aku ni dahla jenis bising! huh. so, on the bus ke Jitra, Kedah diorg ni mula la vote sape yg jadi penghuluwati. mula-mula aku cool agy. xd sape sebut nama aku. haha. tapi ad lah sorang dak TESL yg mmg baik ngn aku calonkan nama aku. and i was like, oHsHet~ lalu berpura-pura tidur. (-_-). tapi masih xmenjadi. dengan itu, aku menjadi penghuluwati dgn vote majoriti atas bas. haihla.~ smpai situ, mmg la jadi penghuluwati. menjaga kebajikan anak-anak ku. ketua fesi memanggil diriku mak penghulu. cis. xpelah. aku rela~ huhu. tapi, mmg aku pilih kasih sket la. aku jaga dak TESL lagi banding ngn org lain. haha. jahat gila. TESLians UNITE! XD xpa. sume selamat. antara yg best kat BTN tu en ialah Group aku, (group 4, Mawar beracun), Fesi aku, mlm night walk. hah, aku ase group aku best sebab....... diorg mmg best ah. masing-masing berpengetahuan tinggi pasal ni. xd la tinggi sangat tapi tahu la pasal ni. aku sgt suka sb ak mmg xtau. haha. tapi yg xsyok nya kan, diorg ni, bergurau agak kasar la. malas aku nak cite tapi aku seyes harap diorg merubah sikap itu. gurau tu gurau ugak tapi HORMAT tu adalah perlu ye. fesi aku lak, sgt best sbb dia memastikan apa yang apa yang tidak pasti ialah ketidakpastian. terusss... xphm xpe, aku n mawar beracun je paham sudah. mlm night walk lak best sb aku antara yg first utk masuk utan tu sbb aku penghuluwati. actually, aku ase ak kn duk blkang utk jaga budak, tapi Mr. jurulatih suroh ak duk dpn aku duk la dpn. huhu. honestly, ni la first tyme aku buat night walk bersorangan sambil ikut tali. dan pecah record aku mlm tu, terhantuk kat pokok 3 kali sbb xnmpk. huhu. sakit doh! owh, kat kem ni ugak, aku menjadi tersuka kat sesorg ni. huhu. tapi dia dh berpunya. deng. xpe la. masih ad ramai lagi. haha. dan something rare happened. i found someone with the same name as my ex. sebijik! skali ngn bin skali. nasib baik dia duk pahang. klu idak, mesti aku ase ni mesti kembor ke gane. haha. tapi features and personality diorang lain ar. mana bleh ada org sama ngn dia. dia lain. :)

*antara ahli mawar beracun, sah korang xnmpk aku katna*

haha. yg sume orang sgt enjoy. but i spent the whole 2 weeks at home stuck with flu. huh. aku ni kan, tiap kali balik umah mesti sakit, x batuk mesti slesema, xselesema demam. haih. aku xpaham! badan aku xmau aku balik umah ke cane ni? huhu. pastu aku cakap kat mama, 'mama, tiap kali a'ai balik mesti a'ai sakit, nape ye?' mama pun dgn selambanya cakap, 'dah awk tu dah xstress, bila xstress tu sakit pun datang la.' then i was like, huh? logik ke penjelasan tu? aku tnya papa, papa pun menjawab dgn best nye. 'dah mama ckp camtu, betul la.' cis. (=___='') pastu sebenarnya aku balik umah, aku nak makan gulai kenduri. hurm, tapi disbbkn aku sakit dan xlarat, PaMa xmau bw aku. uhuk. sedeh. bila aku dah sihat sket, akak menyelamatkn keadaan dan mbawa aku gi mkn gulai. the one and only. huhu. makaseh kakak! *terharu* oh kat umah skg ni ad mesin goyang kaki. its kinda like a reflexology thing. payah nk explain but its relaxing la. my back pun dah kurang sakit. org kat tmpat therapy tu ckp my bad posture is the one that affects my bad back. so xleh dah sandar kat my elbow, sb leh affect blakang. so ingt la para student sekalian. klu nk online tu JANGAN LEAN KE DEPAN DAN MEMANGKU BERAT BADAN ANDA DGN SIKU. duduk je straight. yes, i know. its a bad habit. aku sendri pun susah nk ubah. tapi demi, blakng anda masing-masing. jagalah leklok ye.

haaa... ni satu agy event yg best bagi aku. sb ni adalah masa aku bonding ngn aku ku mr. Nuruddin Zairi. haha. ak mmg dah lama usyar bnda ni. lama dah nak masuk. thn ni baru terdetik dihati utk register online bersama borther ku yg seorg ni. haha. biasala dus-sua org adrenalin junkie. haha.
*ni ktrg kat dpn banner AXN BIG challenge tu*
ni lepas krtg punya sesi push up n pumping. for those yg xtau, utk masyuk Prelims, kita kena buat push up and pumping yang terbaik dan terbanyak in 30 secs. abg buat sit ups dan aku buat push up. huhu. sorry abg, sbb me, kita xleh masuk qualifying round. huhu. tapi elok gak kita xmasuk Qualifying round. payah sgt la round dia. huhu. tapi fro me i xkesah. asalkan i dpt experience menunggu dari pukul 9 pagi hingga pukul 11 pg untuk register pastu tggu sampai kul 12.30 ptg utk round prelims. haha. (yes, im being sarcastic) masalah tol diorg punya management. cemana list nama leh hilang pun aku xpaham! huh. anyway, setelah makn n soat. ktrg menunggu la kat tmpat tu. so, sementara menunggu. diorg as buat dare challenge tau. so the first one is minum air botl kecik sampai habis secpat mungkin and guess what? I WON! muahaha~ *tetiba ase bangga dgn diri sendri* haha. tapi hadiah nye kena redeem kat store dia. ni yg aku malaih sket ni. huh. xpe acknowledge aku yg menang pun dah cukup. haha. XD

*aku yg hujung skali baju putih*

so, setelah terang-terangan ktrg kalah. ktrg pn jln2x la kat area 1uatam yg SANGAT besar itu. lenguh kaki aku tau. huh. tu pki kasut sport tu. klu pakai sandal. aduih. mahunye aku jalan barefoot je kat 1U tu. haha. aku tgk kakak steady je. hurm, musykil tol. oh, di sini jua kami berjumpa dgn kak elin dan keluarga. ktrg pun berjalan sama-sama. dan anak-anak zairi sampai dirumah pada pukul 10 malam. 3adik beradik kuar merendek almost 13 hours. haha. pecah record tuh.! XD

haa.. itulah stakat ni cerita ku. fuh. entry yang sgt panjang. haha. logik ar. byk cite. 5event kot!? hehe. hah. sesi meluahkan perasaan kat post seterusnya. lalala~

From my fingers,

Monday, April 4, 2011

Rice Bobo Ala Hostel

Sesi penjimatan berganda!
nti ak explain.
currently ngntuk + sakit blakng.

From my fingers,

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mewarna MURAL bersama KDS~

yesterday, i pi mewarna ngan Kelab Dunia Seni!
at first, i thought its a small mural
whereby we can finish it in half a day.
but nope.
i was mistaken
there was a number of places
where the school want the mural to be
i xkisah pun.
i sortha figured that nti2x mesti akn dtg lagi.
we were divided into two groups.
4people per group
my group get to do the basics for a mural
and the other get to finish a mural
that was halfway coloured by Sit. (our SIFU!!)
my group members ar me, izzan (tsl), Aqilah azam(tsl) and fishah (bm)
group byk mulut!
bising jer buat kjer.
including me ar.
gempak hallway tu ktrg buat.
sweet memories ngan budak2x tu.

but it was extra tiring for me as i was d driver.
ulang alik kuar maktab 6-7 kali kowt smlm!
akibat nk mnghantar org la... uhuk
nasibla i ni budak rajen n baik.
(puji diri sendri. cet. xmalu!!)

hehe: ala2x pengecat berbakat x?
(pegang berus mcm nk buno org)

antara karya Sit (sifu) yg hampir siap tapi blum siap/
cantik kan?!

pastu mlm tu kua mkn ngn eda kat
Mama Chop Papa Grill Bangi.
boleh la tahan. but according to eda.
'Tak padan Nge Hargo'
for me it was standard pricing.
although the food wasnt that great.
and trhen...
around 12am.
i got stomach ache and i 'saw' my food.
not in a good way.
ended up sleeping with a bad position fr a long time.
thus waking up with a bad back
damn it.

next time kn be cautious lah.

From my fingers,

the house that was never built by Henry Lawson


Discuss the application of relevant theories of literary criticism in the selected text. Your answer should not be more than 1000 words.


After reading and analyzing this story I discover two major criticisms that are present in this short story, they are Psychoanalytic Criticism and Symbolism. Psychoanalytic critics here means when we apply methods of treating emotional and psychological disorders in literature. And whereas in writing, symbolism is the use of a word, a phrase, or a description, which represents a deeper meaning than the words themselves. This kind of extension of meaning can transform the written word into a very powerful instrument.

I sensed madness in the story based on the character of the bushman which in the end of the story turned out to be young Brassington, the son of one the richest people in the bush. The narrator noticed after a few moments talking with him, he was mixing up his past and the present. Besides that, he also noticed a slight tone of madness when further asked about his marriage. He sounded like a man who was begging for his life. This character became mad because due to his wife leaving him, he became insane. I believe that Henry Lawson puts himself as the character the bushman. Henry Lawson wasn’t having a successful marriage and he was also handling with depression at that time, so he is using the ego in Tripartite Model based on Sigmund Freud to unleash his mental illness and depression.

He believed that he was going crazy with his wife leaving him as she filed for divorce. Besides than drowning his sorrows with alchohol, he wrote this story in reference to his own life. He was the bushman in this story. He was going mad due to his wife leaving. That is why; the character of the bushman, also the late young Brassington was described as a madman but then is still able to regain sanity as he talked to another person. I noticed that when the narrator first spoke to the bushman, he sounded mad but then as he spend time with the bushman, suddenly the bushman spoke like a true gentleman. Even though, the bushman was speaking about the house that was never built like it was built and he has a family living there. The bushman is able to be sane when there is company. This shows even more that Henry Lawson uses the Tripartite Model in the Psychoanalytic Criticism to express his deep desires and feelings.

In addition, the wife of young Brassington was also described as mad. It’s not just her, her entire bloodline was also considered as crazy until it was said that her madness was hereditary. I think here he was associating it to his real wife in reality. His wife was a feminist and a socialist at that time. Back then, feminism was a movement that caused a lot of controversy as it contradicts the practice of the century. Feminism is a movement that aims in establishing and defending equal political, economic and social rights of women. This to him was crazy as she was against the whole society and it’s not easy to change the mindset of the people. Besides that, I presume that she was written that way because she was mad enough to leave him.

Besides that, I noticed there are a few points of the Symbolism Criticism. The biggest example of symbolism is the house that was never built. The house represents a number of things such as marriage, respect and hope. Basically, the house represents marriage as it is something that when built or established couldn’t be ruined unless there is another party like the weather or natural disaster to ruin it. The house in this story represents the marriage of young Brassington and his wife. They were married for two weeks and then they got separated during their honeymoon because the wife found her former lover and left her husband for him. The other party here is the former lover of young Brassington’s wife. That is why the house was never even built. it is because the marriage of the couple haven’t got the chance to flourish. Just like the house. They workers only finish marking the site and putting the foundations but the walls never get the chance to be built. The same goes to their marriage as they already have the basics of the relationship which is the taking of the vow then they needed to strengthen the marriage but they didn’t get the chance because the wife ran with her former flame thus resulting in the failure of the marriage. This is also the reason of the house never been built.

Have you ever walked or driven in a neighbourhood where you saw a big house and said ‘Wow, when I grow up, I want to have a big house like that’. This is the same with the house. In the bush, a house that is big shows the wealth of the people living in it. The common mindset of the people is when they are rich they are even more respected. This can be shown when the shameful act caused by the wife is being kept secret within the community. No one dares to bring it up, only on special occasions and only to the locals. This shows that a family that is rich earns more respect compared to the commoners. Besides symbolizing respect, the house brings hope to the people in the bush. Even the narrator felt that it would be nice if there is a house with stairs. It shows that a house that size brings hope to the people around the bush. People want to work even harder to achieve wealth so that they themselves can have a house that big.

In conclusion, the criticism in this particular short story mostly revolves around Henry Lawson’s life. Firstly is about his marriage that wasn’t successful and secondly is about his hope when he was a kid. Henry Lawson was not brought up in a wealthy environment. He was brought up in a fairly poor family as his father was only a coal miner. Henry Lawson based this short story on his life. He changed the characters using his own interpretation of them. According to him, he was going mad because his wife left him and his wife was because of supporting the feminism group and the house was his long lived dream to have but could not achieve.


when i was writing this analysis, i didnt get much info on this.

so it was kinda hard for me to write it properly.

therefore, as a favor back to the netizens who had helped me in the past.

this is for you. hehehe

i hearts u u all!

Edisi SBE

i know SBE ni dah lopeh lama. outdated dah pun klu ikutkan.
tapi sketi la nk cite or x kan?! hehhe
stated on top with the sheep.

I started the SBE on a Sunday dated (20th of March 2011)
i started on Sunday coz i went to a school at Kelantan
Why kelantan?
coz i figure it would be nice to do d first SBE at Home.
so yeah. we went to SMK ISMAIL PETRA 1
and it was AWESOME!

it was nuting much.
we just went to the school
and observed how the teachers teach
and see how the school organize their staff etc.

i didnt get much experience with the students as the GB was kinda.
i dont mind really.
as i took the time to do my assignments and stuffs.
but to be honest.
i just did one assignmnt and
like OMA!
benci dgn diriku kerna bazirkan masa!!

suka pergi SBE sbb~
dpt Abg KPLI (yg dh kawen) tapi dia sgt best!!
'Abah' yang sama umor. haha. caring doowh!
dpt sister yg sweettt~!!!

Jgn lupa.
wishing that i can visit the baby.
tapi i kirim salam je la yer~

Tu je la kot nak share utk post ni.

nmpk cam cikgu dakk..??

p/s: please ignore the alien. saje2x je nk nyebok duk citu.

From my fingers,